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Grade System (CS/CU) to be Applied During the 2019-2020 Academic Year Spring Semester

Published Date: Thursday, 18 June 2020


During the COVID - 19 pandemic process we are currently experiencing, there is a possibility that students experience grievance both due to the psychological trauma brought by the situation and technical difficulties related to the courses we have to conduct online, which is different from our usual educational system.

In order to prevent or minimize such problems that may arise, various universities have decided to implement the SATISFACTORY / UNSATISFACTORY (CS / CU) grading system only to be valid during this period. Universities are implementing different versions of the SATISFACTORY / UNSATISFACTORY (CS / CU) system with a consideration of their specific conditions and possibilities. Although inter-university practices vary, the basic principle is to eliminate student suffering or reduce them to the lowest possible level. The purpose of the system introduced in this study is to determine the rules and practices that will form the basis for the SATISFACTORY / UNSATISFACTORY (CS / CU) system to be implemented in our university with a consideration of the specific conditions and possibilities of EMU.


The SATISFACTORY / UNSATISFACTORY (CS / CU) grading system planned to be implemented in our university includes the courses offered in all associate, undergraduate and graduate programs (excluding joint programs) conducted in EMU.


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